
Since 2003, SeraniSembang has been bringing together the community of various Peranakan Eurasians – the descendants of the off-springs of European-Asian liaisons from the 1400s in South and Southeast Asia, and its global diaspora.

It is a website where we can explore our family histories, share photographs and anecdotes, make connections, re-establish family ties, and generally revel in that unique cultural heritage of ‘Eurasianess/Serani-dom’.

The website comprises a genealogical repository which requires registration of your identity, before you can plumb the depths of the 3000+ photos and 15000+ threads of conversations, and where you will be amazed at what has been shared by hundreds of Seranis over the last 13 or so years.

Here you will also find a free-to-all ‘live’ chat page, where you can arrange to meet others, as well as a link to SeraniSembang’s promotional Group page on Facebook that has a thriving timeline of topical posts involving more than 2,000 members.

If you have any questions, worries or problems, please feel free to contact me.

Please enjoy the website.
